My Why…


Hi, my name is Melinda, and I am an older mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, small business owner and still trying to figure out the rest.  Now by older I mean I’m 49 and my daughter is turning 5. She is the best blessing this mama could have been surprised with, she is my world. Hence my business name strives from knowing in my heart that it is this Mama’s World that has led me to find a different path.

Looking at the pressures we have surrounding all of us that are raising these littles is a question that has been plaguing me. What childhood is she receiving? What do I want for her? What do I want for myself as her mom? I would like her to look back and remember it was filled with warmth, love, and safety. Importantly I want to know that what I strived to give her can support that want for her. I was raised by a single mom who did her best and gave us what she could on a limited income. We had a roof over our heads, food, clothes, and a gift that I didn’t realize until now resourcefulness.

I have these warm memories of certain things from my childhood. The smell of my mom’s cooking, my brother and I coming up with games with parts we found in the alley. I remember creating, painting, taking photos, writing, dancing and oh so much more. One thing I remember is in day camp going to the art room to paint plaster of Paris molds. It was my favorite part of the day and when we got to make the molds as well just blew me away with joy.

Luck would have it my daughter loves to paint. I would order, look for all kinds of mediums to paint but honestly the quality was on the shoddy side, but the price wasn’t. Then I remembered my camp experience. I started making her and I molds and even creating themed ones for her to paint to send as gifts. I gave a few baskets away for free, I used them at my daughter’s birthday party as an activity, the response was positive. This brought me to this idea of creating this for others but also making it affordable.

Wanting for my daughter a different childhood than the one that is being presented on social media, one that looks a little like the one I had. Made this first-time business owner aware that like everything in this crazy thing of parenthood. I am learning from her as much as I am teaching her.

So welcome to this Mama’s world pull up a seat and let’s give the gift of creativity, warmth, love, and resourcefulness to our little ones and maybe to ourselves?

With Love,


Mama’s World



Melinda Tomasewski

Latina mama who loves arts and crafts. So turned my love into a business selling crafting kits that I had always searched for but couldn’t find!